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How Hurricane Screens Work

Hurricane Window Protection

Hurricane fabric is a densely woven polypropylene mesh with extremely durable characteristics providing hurricane window protection.

hurricane window protection 

The dense weave breaks the hurricane’s wind force from 200 mph to 10 mph.
This fabric sheds water and sand and withstands multiple 100 mph, 50 pound, 2” x 4” debris impact.

The polypropylene hurricane fabric is lightweight making screen deployment an easy task. A 7’ x 9’ screen weighs only 10 lbs and takes 1 person 10 minutes to put up.

The polypropylene fabric is flexible. We can cover almost every opening.

The flexibility also makes storage of the product a non-issue. A 2,500 sq. ft. home protection system fits in a 2’ x  2’ x 3’ carton.

The polypropylene hurricane fabric requires no maintenance. We recommend a hose-down prior to seasonal storage.

The mesh weave is 80% translucent. You can see out to the limits of your visibility. 

Hurricane Screens Drop In Anchors , Eyehooks and Caps.

hurricane preperation

All anchoring material is made of stainless steel. This provides corrosion resistance to the area’s climate.

Drop In Anchors are 3/8” inner diameter. They are rated at 4,000 lb. pullout when embedded in concrete. We use a 3/8” hollow core drop in anchor when embedded in concrete block construction. These have a 2,000 lb. pullout rating.

hurricane fabrichurricane screens

Eyehooks are 3/8” diameter with a 2” eye for proper seating of the tie down belt.

hurricane window protectionhurricane window protection

Caps are 3/8” diameter with a 1” beveled head. The cap is used to prevent dust/debris entering the drop in anchor.

hurricane preperationhurricane preperation

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Or call La Paz Cellular 612-127-2475

Baja "Hurricanescreens" Copyright 2008 - 2009